Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Houston, I have a problem: I am addicted to bikes.

Or maybe it is not a problem, not a bad one anyways. But I am. Ok, let’s face it: there are worse things to be addicted to. 

The evidence:

(1) I have 5 bicycles, which are not that many by *some* of my friends’ standards (not naming any names here!). But I always want more, can convince myself I *need* more, and I can’t imagine letting go of any of the ones I currently have… As someone said in a Facebook post last weekend: "Correct numbers of bikes is n+1, with n=to the number of bikes you currently own."

(2) If, by any chance I do not ride in a couple of days, I get in such a funk that not even I can stand myself. And, as soon as I get a few miles in, magically everything changes. The world and life are beautiful again and a big smile makes its come back to my face. Moreover, I have found that riding my bike lets me escape from everything and gives me a break from anything that troubles me. Everything seems easier and better after a ride. On the other side, this probably also means that humanity (or at least those around me) appreciates when I ride and get out of whatever funk I am in.

(3) While at work, I stare at the watch, counting the minutes until that time of the day I can get out of the office and jump on the saddle.

(4) I have declined friends’ invitations in favor of riding my bike; and I build my social life around riding/training/racing my bike.

(5) I find myself thinking waaaay too much about bikes, riding, training and racing (or maybe I just need to get a life).

(6) And this morning… Well, I’ve ridden the last 4 days straight, so my legs were pretty much dead. This is the point when the training gurus usually tell you that "you need a rest day", "something something" about letting your legs recover, grow muscle and get stronger. Yet... This morning, despite my resolve yesterday of letting my legs have a break, I was looking for excuses to bring the bike, a bike, any bike. I found myself promising to ride easy, just a recovery ride, anything to talk myself into bringing the bike. I told myself I’d bring the bike "just in case" (in case of what?). Fortunately, the forecast said that the temps would be below 60 by the time I could jump on the saddle, and colder than 60 in May is just not acceptable, methinks. So I left the bike at home. However... right now, I find myself thinking about it, wondering why I did not bring it, wanting to get on the saddle after work and ride an easy recovery ride.

(7) ... and last but definitely not least, I have a friggin' blog about bikes. That on its own should say it all.

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